Bikers hit the road for epic tour

The touring bikers, back from left, Pat Moynihan, Val Gleeson (Cork), John Keogh, Patricia O’Donoghue, Pa Fleming, Daniel O’Leary, Seamie Wall (Kilkenny) and Willie Bergin (Kilkenny) with, in front, Ken Gleeson (Cork), Emma Phillips and Fiona Carroll.

A GROUP of fun-loving biker buddies from Killarney embarked on an adventure-filled tour of Wales and the UK and they ended up at a Sherwood Forest HOG rally for two days.

The small group started touring four years ago and they look for a different event to attend whenever they hit the road, taking in the Thunder in the Glens in Aviemore,Scotland last year which was an epic trip.

This year the local motorcycle enthusiasts encountered a group of visitors from the Sherwood Forrest Chapter at the Killarney Bikefest and opted to base their trip around their big event this year.

They hit the road in style and took in Snowdonia, the Snake Road in the Peak District and Sherwood/Walsby before heading back to south Wales over the six-day journey.

The Killarney bikers were joined by two from Cork and two others from Kilkenny, giving the tour an all-Ireland feel.

“The rally was based near the actual Sherwood in a place called Walsby Forrest and it was a great trip,” said group member Emma Phillips.

“We actually beat the UK groups in an archery competition – with no training I might add – so we were thrilled,” she added. It’s the talk of the town. Advertising with us reaches thousands of people every day. Call 087-2229761