‘As each day goes by, we miss Fungie more and more’

The documentary tells the story of a number of people deeply moved by the bottlenose dolphin’s presence in Dingle

HE may be gone but Fungie is still spreading happiness.

The Dingle dolphin, who vanished without trace in early October, will always be held in very high regard back west and his association with the town is now helping to generate funds for a cause he would certainly have approved of.

The crew at Dingle Aquarium in Dingle is selling DVD copies online of The Dolphin’s Gift – a documentary all about Fungie – and 50 per cent of the proceeds will be donated to the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group.

The brilliant 1991 documentary tells the story of a number of people deeply moved by the bottlenose dolphin’s presence in Dingle and it follows their unique relationships with the wild dolphin who had made the west Kerry town his home since 1983.

The film is narrated by the late Hollywood actor John Hurt, the top notch soundtrack was created by the late great Michael Kamen and the photography was by Cian De Buitlear.

“As each day goes by, we miss Fungie more and more. Fungie brought so much joy to so many people over the last four decades,” the team at Dingle Aquarium said in a statement.

The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group has been championing the care and wellbeing of dolphins, whales and porpoises since 1990 and this is a great opportunity to support the organisation’s work in making Irish coastal waters as safe as possible for all Fungie’s relations and kindred species.

The documentary is available to order on Dingle Aquarium’s Facebook page.

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