We’re all in this together
WELCOME to the future of news.
St Patrick’s Day 2014 was a real landmark date for news and sports reporting in Killarney. At 5.30pm that evening, with an up-to-the-minute report and photographs from the gala town parade, the power button was pressed and we extended a warm and hearty céad míle fáilte to Killarneytoday.com.
It’s an exciting and groundbreaking new online publishing project, a local newspaper without the paper, that reaches into every corner of the world via the magic of the internet.
It is no longer sufficient just to keep up with the changing times. There is always a need to set the bar higher, to create higher standards and to progress with purpose and vision. And we passionately believe that if something is worth doing, then it is worth doing right.
We have worked tirelessly to create an online presence that has changed the face of news, sports and information gathering in the greater Killarney area and we look forward to toiling hard, every hour of every day, to provide an online newspaper for the public to experience and enjoy. And a very important point to remember in difficult economic times –it’s absolutely free.
Killarneytoday.com provides a constant update on all the breaking news and essential views with a very strong emphasis on community life.
In a rapidly changing media landscape, with traditional and tired print methods struggling for survival, Killarneytoday.com instantly caters for those with a nose for news, a passion for politics, a curiosity for celebrity, a soft spot for sport and a fascination for features.
We are living in a soundbite generation and a discerning Killarney public is no longer willing to wait a day – let alone an entire week – to be briefed on what’s going on around them.
Experience tells us that those who do not move seldom notice the chains that shackle them. We deliver the news as it happens and in a comprehensive, informative and entertaining manner with our constantly updated website given further reach and impact through social media links on Facebook and Twitter.
To the tens of thousands of people that have already embraced Killarneytoday.com we say a heartfelt thank you. It has been a hugely exciting journey and we are delighted you have been here to share it and celebrate it with us.
We know you like what we’re doing – because you told us you do – and nothing gives us more satisfaction than knowing that Killarney people all over the world are deriving as much pleasure visiting the site as we have experienced creating it.
Killarneytoday.com is designed for you, written for you and it’s all about you. We know you’re proud of your town and we know you are just as proud of this exciting new website that promotes and supports the place we call home.
The future of news in Killarney is indeed a bright one.