Waste wasters return to familiar ground

A KILLARNEY woman who discovered and reported a serious case of illegal dumping on a rural road just after Christmas has this week found an even bigger pile of household and domestic waste on the same roadway.

Just before the new year commenced, Helen Duggan was shocked when she spotted a heap of rubbish, including food and drink containers, empty boxes and plastic bags bursting at the seams, on the road running from Lawlor’s Cross to Ballyhar, just off the main Killarney-Tralee road.

The rubbish dumped on the Lawlor’s Cross to Ballyhar road just after Christmas and (above) what Helen discovered this week

It had been brazenly dumped at the side of the road immediately beneath a Kerry County Council sign warning that illegal dumping carried a risk of a €3,000 fine.

In recent days an even more disgusting sight greeted motorists and pedestrians on the busy road and Helen was so annoyed by what she saw that she took photographs and alerted Kerry County Council.

Old household materials, bags of food and drinks containers, a broken ironing board and wooden picture frames were all tossed into overgrowth running beside a river.

The local authority has been fighting an ongoing battle with illegal dumpers and although significant progress has been made, some people will still behave in an arrogant and disgusting manner and leave their mess for others to clean up.

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