Picture: Valerie O’Sullivan
WORK is progressing steadily on a number of key sections in the development of a fully looped amenity trail around Lough Leane and Muckross Lake, Kerry County Council officials have confirmed.
The 9km trail, when complete, will meander through rich woodlands on the slopes of the 735m Tomies mountain and wind its way along the shores of Lough Lein and the spectacular O’Sullivan’s Cascade, in the sprawling Killarney National Park.
The project, funded by Fáilte Ireland and involving the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Kerry County Council and local walking and tourism groups, aims to link up a number of the existing trail sections to create a full circuit around the lakes, starting and finishing in Killarney town.
It is proposed that the route will provide accessible trails for walkers and cyclists and, given the stunning landscape and scenery that would be on view, the project has real potential to deliver an iconic trail that would be renowned internationally.

Transport Infrastructure Ireland is currently reviewing a feasibility report from the local authority’s roads design office in relation to the section from the Fossa Way, opposite the Golden Nugget bar and restaurant, to the Gap Cross. That process will determine the scope and timeline for completion of that section.
The design for the area from the Gap Cross to Liebherr lands has been complete but agreement with the landowner is still required and proposed land transfer requirements have been submitted to Liebherr for consideration. An application to the South Kerry Development Partnership for LEADER funding to fence in the Liebherr lands was successful, conditional on the land being transferred to Kerry County Council.
In relation to the Laune Bridge crossing, a Section 50 application is under review by the OPW and a survey and design process is required on the section from Laune Bridge to Tomies Cross.
The section from Tomies Cross to the Gap of Dunloe will also be subject to a survey and design process to allow discussions with landowners and the National Parks and Wildlife Service has finalised the purchase of lands required for a new access road and car park at Tomies Wood with funding now being sought for the project.
The preferred route corridor for the section of the looped walk from Tomies to Gleana is to be agreed subject to securing agreement on environmental mitigation measures while in the area from Gleana to Dinis the feasibility of a bridge structure or an alternative route to the Old Weir Bridge is to be determined.
A preliminary survey and design of the area from Dinis to Torc has been completed by a private engineer.
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