What’s the story? Now we’ll know

Professor Joseph Sobol: guest speaker at the conference

THE art of storytelling is a living force in everybody’s life, Professor Joseph Sobol will tell the Storied Kerry conference in St Oliver’s Primary School, Killarney on Saturday, October 27.

He will present models of storytelling for everyday community life, a range of story types and occasions and opportunities for their purposeful use.

Professor Sobol will also direct a workshop on the importance of the local story in tourism. That includes legend, landscape, flora, fauna, archaeology, history, folklore and Kerry’s contemporary story.

Those behind the Storied Kerry event say a knowledge of the whole scope of the story is an essential to build a sustainable tourist industry in all parts of Kerry.

Professor Sobol is Director of the George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling at the University of South Wales. From 2000 to 2017 he was coordinator of the Graduate Program in Storytelling in East Tennessee State University.

Frank Lewis: conference chair and founder

He is the author of an award-winning book, The Storytellers Journey: An American Revival, and The House Between Earth and Sky: Harvesting New American Folktales, a step-by-step guide to doing folklore and storytelling residencies for secondary school classes.

Professor Sobol has lectured, delivered keynote addresses and played at concerts across America and Britain. As an accomplished musician, he is a keen fan of Sliabh Luachra music and he has performed and played on two CD collections of songs from the poetry of WB Yeats which he composed and arranged.

Keynote speakers at the one-day seminar will include Sneem seanchai Batt Burns, event chairman Frank Lewis, former Listowel Writers’ Week chairman and Mayo native Sean Lyons, Dr David Hopes of the National Trust for Scotland, Sineád Ní Mhuircheartaigh from Ballyferriter, Dr Criostóir Mac Cárthaigh from the National Folklore Collectio in UCD and Listowel balladerer Mickey McConnell.

The day will also include workshops, panel discussions, question and answer sessions and lunch. To book to to storiedkerry@gmail.com.

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