The Diocese of Kerry will join other dioceses across Ireland and Christian churches globally for an online Season of Creation initiative from September 1 to October 4.
Last year the Catholic bishops of Ireland set a specific challenge for parishes to return 30 per cent of church grounds to nature by 2030. This is a response to the biodiversity crisis, the call of Pope Francis in Laudato Si and the agreements made at recent UN conferences on biodiversity.
Parishes were asked to expand their circles of solidarity, to protect and care for biodiversity and creation on 30 per cent of their grounds and to care for this as a haven for pollinators and biodiversity that can be enjoyed by the whole community.
Bishop Ray Browne and the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Committee now reiterate the call to all parishes across the diocese and clear step by step measures are being outlined to make changes and become more biodiverse.

The 53 parishes across the diocese are being encouraged to mark the season through awareness and actions with ideas and resources provided on the diocesan website. Parish pastoral councils are being encouraged to discuss and take steps to hope and act with creation in a way appropriate to their own particular grounds.
Parishes can download copies of To Hope and Act with Creation leaflet 2024 which explains the theme and gives suggestions of practical actions that can be taken in their parish grounds.
They have also received the liturgical resources on the theme for weekend Masses during this five-week season.
The Diocese of Kerry will host a webinar on the ecological crisis with writer and educator Dr Niamh Brennan on September 12 and people are invited to register online and join the online session, growing awareness around the season and this year’s theme.
Our Lady and St Brendan’s Parish in Tralee and St James’ s Church in Killorglin have set the date of September 28 for their workshops.
Check dioceseofkerry.ie for more details.
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