Kerry County Council is finding it increasingly challenging to find accommodation in Killarney for people who are being evicted from rental properties, it has been confirmed.
The matter was raised by Cllr Brendan Cronin who asked that families facing imminent eviction can be catered for in emergency accommodation in Killarney so that they can remain close to schools for children and close to places of employment for the adults.
The council said, however, that while processes have been put in place to deal with individual cases as they arise, there are difficulties in Killarney with some traditional emergency accommodation options no longer available.
Kerry County Council said it continues to explore alternative options within Killarney town for the provision of emergency accommodation but the situation remains “extremely challenging”.

Officials said notices to quit have been a feature of the work of the local authority’s housing department for some time and service approaches have been put in place to deal with the issues arising.
The total number of notices to quit currently being dealt with, for all reasons, including anti-social behaviour, is 118 and the total valid notices on a for sale basis, as validated through homeless action organisation Threshold, is 43.
The current homeless figures in Kerry are 44 adults and four children which is one of the lowest figures seen in the county for a number of years.

Tenants in receipt of social housing supports who find themselves facing eviction have been urged to engage with the council at their earliest possible opportunity.
The council said property inspections are ongoing and limited formal offers have been made but the situation is very fluid and evolving on an ongoing basis.
Cllr Donal Grady said he had made contact with the owner of a previous accommodation centre providing shelter for the holes in Killarney but the property was no longer available.
“A lot of people won’t go to Tralee. I will have at least eight families who will be out in the next month and I had four little kids calling to my house last night that have nowhere to go,” he said.
Cllr Grady added: “Killarney is a no-go area for the homeless. It’s shameless”.
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