Eugene was a leading voice for the Green Party

The late Eugene O’Shea: Very influential in the Green Party

Green Party leader Eamon Ryan has paid tribute to Eugene O’Shea, a prominent figure in the party for many years and a former member of Killarney Urban District Council, who has passed away.

Minister Ryan said Eugene was a highly valued member of the party and was a leading light locally, especially during the early years of the organisation in Killarney, when he took on the role of councillor in the late 1980s.

It was in Killarney that the Greens, formed in Ireland in 1981, registered their first ever election success when Marcus Counihan won a seat on the urban district council in 1985, at the age of 23. When he decided to resign the seat three years later, Eugene O’Shea was co-opted in his place.

He too later stepped aside and the term was seen out by another party member, Michael ‘Haulie’ Lucey.

Eugene’s name was on the ballot paper for the local elections in Killarney in 1991 but he was unsuccessful in his attempt to secure a place in the town hall chambers.

Eamon Ryan: Tribute to former Killarney councillor

He went on to play an instrumental role for the Green Party in the protracted talks to find a peaceful solution to the troubles in Northern Ireland when he held the role of convenor on north-south affairs policy gatherings.

Eugene, originally from London, lived at Bunrower Lodge on Ross Road. He was also very well-known in Killarney business circles and owned and operated the landmark Sugán Hostel at Michael Collins Place for many years.

Speaking to this Wednesday, Green Party leader and Environment Minister, Eamon Ryan, remarked: “On behalf of the party, I would like to extend my sincere condolences to his family and friends. He is held with high regard and fond memories.”

Eugene, who passed away peacefully at home following a brief illness, is survived by his wife Margaret (née Purtill), son Eoin, daughter Eileen, daughters-in-law Anne and Emily and grandchildren Alanna, Eugene, Luke and Eoin.

He is further survived by his mother Hannah (née Herlihy), sister Maureen and brothers JJ and Michael, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, extended relatives and many friends.

Cremation will take place at The Island Crematorium, Cork on this Thursday.

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