14 young men and three leaders climb ‘holy mountain’

The Diocese of Kerry, in partnership with members of the Traveller community in the county, organised the pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick

The Diocese of Kerry, in partnership with members of the Traveller community in the county, organised a pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick in Mayo for the benefit of a number of young people who thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

They enjoyed the challenges presented by the tough 2,507 ft climb and, spokesman, Richard O’Brien, said they welcomed the opportunity to give witness to their strong faith in the Catholic Church. 

Members of the party from Kerry on the mountain

This trip was organised JPIC Committee of the Kerry Diocese in partnership with the Kerry Travellers’ Health Project as a youth ministry group with 14 young men and three leaders making the journey.

They all gathered in a circle and prayed for their loved ones and families as well as praying for peace in Ukraine. They also left a rock on St Patrick’s bed at the summit of the mountain for their family intentions.

Croagh Patrick, which overlooks Clew Bay, is considered the holiest mountain in Ireland. Its religious significance dates back to the time of the pagans, when people are thought to have gathered here to celebrate the beginning of harvest season.

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